Monday, January 4, 2016

Save your teeth.... wear a mouthguard!

It is so easy to prevent broken teeth during sport activity! One wrong hit, move, trip or bang and you can be paying for it for the rest of your life!

A custom mouthguard is made to fit your mouth EXACTLY! We take an impression of your mouth and pour up a model and then make your guard from that model. There are a variety of colors available - coordinate with your team colors if you like!

There are different kinds of mouthguards out there, some you can warm by placing in hot water and then mold it to your teeth while it is still warm. Something is better than nothing, I'll agree to that! But the best guard is made when your guard is made to fit your teeth professionally.

Here's a link to the CDHA website about mouthguards:

Don't let this happen to you - prevention is key!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Even Santa needs to brush

Santa knows the late night milk and cookies can be hard on your teeth. Christmas is a busy time, it's exhausting, who's to blame you for forgetting to floss before you fall into bed! While some of you are packing bags and traveling, others are running from work, to holiday concerts, sporting tournaments and holiday parties. Regrettably, dental decay and gum disease don't take a holiday. So what to do?

Be sure to throw an extra travel toothbrush, paste and floss in the desk drawer, gym bag, purse and/or glove compartment, any where you can get to them easily.

Watch what you eat 
During the holidays, people tend to change their eating habits and indulge more. The increased exposure to sugar can affect your teeth. Try to limit the number of times your family enjoys sweets while celebrating. And don't forget the hidden sugar in drinks.
Pack healthy snacks
If possible, eat before you head out. Pack healthy snacks, but be selective. Choose tooth-friendly foods like baby carrots, celery and apples or healthy snacks like string cheese, yogurt tubes, whole grain crackers or plain nuts. Pass on soda and sugary drinks and opt for water or sugar-free beverages instead.

Try treats for your teeth 
Chew sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol can help stimulate saliva production and rinse away food particles.It's a quick easy way to keep the teeth clean and freshen breath. Who knows when you'll encounter that next sprig of mistletoe!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Have you had your oral cancer screening recently?

As your dental professional for a complete oral cancer screening at EVERY appointment!

Fact: ADA survey revealed only 15% of patients say they had cancer screenings at their dental     appointments.

Fact: 25% of all oral cancer victims are non-smokers, non-drinkers, and have no other lifestyle risk factors.

Fact: The HPV 16 (human papillomavirus) is now associated with oral cancers located in the upper throat and back of tongue.

Fact: In Canada, 3 people die from oral cancer every day.

Fact: 75% of all oral cancer cases are diagnosed at a late stage.

Fact: There are twice as many deaths from oral cancer than cervical cancer.

Fact: Oral cancer is the only cancer that the mortality rate has not decreased in 30 years!

A ‘normal’ sore should disappear within two weeks. If it isn’t resolved within that time frame, get checked! It may save your life!  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Floss with Flavor

We're not necessarily recommending Cupcake or Bacon flavored floss (but they are really available on the www), but we would like you to know that flossing is important to good oral and overall health. Chances are good you'll find mint, bubblegum or unflavored in our office - although cupcake does have some appeal! 

Brushing without  flossing is comparable to cleaning only 65% of your body leaving the 35% dirty which simply means you are not completely clean.

Flossing removes the tiny trapped food particles and also the plaque trapped between the teeth which a tooth brush cannot reach. This means healthier gums, fewer cavities, and a fresher smile.